Measham Leisure Centre
Terms & Conditions


1.1  Your membership is only valid at Measham Leisure Centre

1.2  The Management Committee reserves the right to refuse/reject an application for any reason.

1.3  Your membership will begin on the day you join, and you will need to pay the pro rata payment the same day.

1.4  With memberships involving the Gym the minimum age of 14 is required to use on their own. 

1.5  If you wish to have a gym induction, please request one at reception and one will be arranged at a suitable time and date for both parties.

1.6  Anyone under the age restrictions may use the gym if an adult member is with them. Parents must sign the child up using the Clubright app and complete a Par-Q, and in doing so consent to follow the age limit restrictions and supervision of their child.

1.7  You can cancel your membership at any time in writing to the Business Manager, or through the Clubright App.

1.8  If any of the centre rules are broken, the Management Committee reserves the right to immediately cancel your membership after three warnings having been given, or with immediate effect given the severity of the incident. These will be recorded and available on request. Payment will still be taken until your next Direct Debit payment and a ban may be put in place for a time period of the managers choosing up until that next payment. After that time no more payments will be taken.

1.9  Unacceptable behaviour performed on the centre grounds may result in you being asked to leave the premises.  This may also affect your use of any memberships.

1.10        a) You have the right to appeal any decision in these Terms & Conditions to our management committee

b) All appeals must be received within 1 month of any action and must be provided in writing.


2       FEES

2.1  Your monthly payments will be due on the 1st day of each calendar month.

2.2  Your monthly payments or annual fee will remain the same for the length of time that you are on the membership scheme. Management do however reserve the right to increase your monthly subscriptions. If we do, we will put up signs around the centre making you aware of the details of the change at Measham Leisure Centre 1 month prior to changes take place.

2.3  You may choose to pay all your monthly membership fees in one annual lump sum on the day you join. This is offered at a discounted rate. A refund will not be given if you cancel.

2.4  You may choose to pay all your monthly membership fees in a six-month lump sum on the day you join. This is offered at a discounted rate. A refund will not be given if you cancel.

2.5  Monthly fees are payable even if you do not use the centre. It is your responsibility to cancel your membership.



3.1  You are entitled to use the facilities available to your category of membership, but these are dependent upon programming and age restrictions or any rules relating to the facilities.

3.2  You may have to pay additional charges to use certain facilities at the centre. Lists of all prices are available at reception. We can change these prices at any time.

3.3  No refunds will be given for the unavailability of any facility, equipment, or class.

3.4  You agree to keep the facilities you use safe for other members and will report any faults that could cause other injury. For example, weights shouldn’t be left in an unsafe manor or if any leaks are found etc.

3.5  Personal Training business can only take place with prearranged partners of MLC and do so in accordance with our policy and price list.



4.1  Options contained within your package may be subject to a minimum age. If you do not meet the minimum age, then you will not be able to access that facility or class and no refunds will be given.

4.2  Student memberships last for 1 calendar month from when they are taken out, no extensions due to holidays are allowed.

4.3  Anyone under the age restrictions may use the gym if an adult member is with them. By signing up to our Clubright app and completing the Par-Q, you are consenting to the terms and conditions of our age restrictions and supervision.

4.4  Any clubs or classes directly ran by the Centre involving a junior must have completed forms relating to that activity.


5       BOOKINGS

5.1  All facilities can be booked up to 7 days in advance.

5.2  In order to maximise spaces for our members on classes, you may be subject to a £4 “no show” charge if you fail to show up to a booking or fail to cancel within 45 minutes of the start time of your session. 

5.3  You can pay a “no show” charge at reception.  Please note that until you have paid any outstanding “no show” charges, you will be unable to book or attend any classes.

5.4  You can only book two people on to each class and no more, in the centre.  You are only able to book your own class using the Clubright app.

5.5  All cancellations on the day must be done via phone, in person or using the App.  If you attempt to cancel a session and we are unable to answer the phone but discuss with you your absence, we may ask for evidence that you attempted to contact us via proof of your call records.

5.6  Standard session times must be adhered to and could be limited to one session during peak times.

5.7  Sports hall time slots are 50 minutes and run 25 minutes to the hour until  25 minutes past e.g 17:35-18:25.

5.8  24 hours’ notice must be given for all booking cancellations for court hire, 3G hire and meeting room hire, or a booking arrears charge may be made.

5.9  If facilities or classes are fully booked members must wait for an available space or book for another class.

5.10        Members must abide by all programming arrangements e.g., GP referral sessions.

5.11        Management reserves the right to cancel or amend fitness classes and programmes for any reasonable circumstance with limited notice.

5.12        Payment is required on booking of any facility.



6.1  Freezing of your membership will only be allowed in exceptional circumstances e.g., a serious medical condition.  Requests for freezing should be put in writing to Senior Management whose decision will be final.  Further evidence such as a doctor’s letter may be requested.

6.2  Time periods for freezing will be discussed upon approval with Senior Management.



7.1  Management reserve the right to withdraw a membership from a person if the booking system or any of the terms and conditions are abused.

7.2  If we cancel your membership, we will not refund your membership fee.

7.3  We can prevent you entering the Centre if we have cancelled or suspended your membership.

7.4  If you cancel your membership, we will not refund any membership fee paid in advance which relates to a period after cancellation.

7.5   You will be in breach of your contract if you cancel your membership within the outlined cancellation periods.  Any debts left unpaid will be chased by Measham Leisure Centre or its associates.

7.6   If you wish to cancel your membership you must do this by informing the business manager either in writing or in person 14 days before the Direct debit payment is taken (1st of the month) this is to allow us to contact the relevant people in time to stop your payment.

 8       OFFERS

8.1  Offers may be subject to change.

8.2  Offers may not be used in conjunction with any other offer.

8.3  All offers are subject to the same Terms and Conditions as any of our other memberships.

8.4  All offers are subject to the senior managers understanding of the offer and their decision is final on what the offer entails. Wording will be constructed as openly as possible.



9.1  Block booking forms must be completed prior to block booking commencement.

9.2  You are required to provide us with up to date contact information for the lead member of the booking, contact details for a secondary contact in case we can’t get hold of the lead and to update us on any changes with regards to your booking.

9.3  Cancellation of bookings must be provided 24 hours prior to booked slot.

9.4  If the leisure centre is not notified within 24 hours of booking may still be subject to full payment of facilities.

9.5  It is the responsibility of the lead member of the bookings to keep up to date next of kin details for all their attendees in case of emergencies.

9.6  Management reserves the right to cancel bookings for any reasonable circumstance with limited notice.

9.7  Payment is required prior to use of facilities, or if prearrange with management, via invoice.

9.8  You are responsible for adhering to the times of your booking, and not ‘over running’ on your slot.

9.9  Any issues with facilities or equipment must be reported to a member of staff.  There will be no refund or compensation for technical issues out of our control.

9.10        If you require any additional assistance, please inform us at the time and not after the event.



10.1        You must comply with all the Centre Rules which form part of this agreement.

10.2      We may change the Centre Rules at any time. We will post a notice of any changes around the centre to notify members.

10.3        If Centre rules are not adhered too, and you are asked to leave, no refund will be given for any activity.

10.4        We do not allow youths to linger on site unless they paying to use the facility.



11.1     We can change this agreement at any time. We will give 1 months’ notice of any changes by posters placed around the centre.

11.2          Management reserves the right to delete or amend memberships at any time. We will give 1 months’ notice of these changes by displays around the centre. Members affected by the change will automatically be changed or updated to the appropriate membership status and prices after that 1 month period. Direct debits will automatically be changed to reflect the price of the new membership option.